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Every mermaid needs to know how to swim but this doesn't happen over night. Many of girls that join our program have little to no experience swimming. Many of the girls and their families stay away from enjoying the ocean because of this. When a Sirenita joins the program we make sure they have the tools to feel safe in the water, because of this, each one of them is taught how to swim. By purchasing this product, you are sponsoring a swimming lesson for a Sirenita. 

Each swimming lesson is full of drills but also fun! By the end of the 10 month program, most of our Sirenitas can swim laps in a pool and feel confidently doing so. A tool that provides confidence in the water but also in their neighboring enviornment. 

Swimming Lessons

  • 1) Choose what item you'd like to purchase for the Sirenitas

    2) This item will go directly to the Sirenitas Surf Club

    3) You will receive an email confirming your sponsorship to the Sirenitas

Sirenitas Surf Club is a social enterprise inspiring and empowering girls through surfing, swimming, and education.

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