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There really aren't moments in life than describing the feeling of catching your first wave. We've had the privilege of witnessing these moments over and over again and never take it for granted. This has become the place where some of them process heartache, losses and fear and transform it into a moment of freedom. 

By purchasing this product, you are giving a local Nicaraguan girl the opportunity to take part in a life changing program and become part of the Sirenita Sisterhood. This 10-month program includes: bi-weekly surf/swim lessons, educational and empowerment workshops, a lifelong community, and most importantly, and a ridiculous amount of fun!

Sponsor a girl for 3 months

  • 1) Choose what item you'd like to purchase
    2) This item will go directly to the Sirenitas Surf Club
    3) You will receive an email confirming your sponsorship to the Sirenitas

Sirenitas Surf Club is a social enterprise inspiring and empowering girls through surfing, swimming, and education.

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